Monthly Archives: August 2013

Don’t Postpone Joy!

This past weekend I was blessed to preside over the memorial service and grave site ceremony for someone I’ve long loved. After the memorial service, we made our way some distance to where the burial would take place. It was a beautiful cemetery, one I had not seen before. There were no raised headstones. So, at first glance, it seemed more like being in an expansive beautiful park than being in a cemetery. As we slowly made our way around the winding curves to the burial site, just taking in the scenery, suddenly we saw a beautiful doe grazing a ways ahead of us.

But oh, this was no ordinary sighting. Soon the doe, seemingly unaware of us, just leaped into the air as if it were having its own private joy party! Guests, perhaps, welcome but not necessary! Some part of me knew I had just witnessed the most blessed of gifts. And, following the hearse, the message could not have been more vivid. On our Temple wall, there’s a small sign that says it all, Don’t postpone joy!

The laundry will get done. The house cleaned. Our jobs will carve out our days. The ‘to do’ lists will naturally rejuvenate. But, what about joy? We’ll make our appointments, transport loved ones, cook dinner. But, did we forget joy? Can we imagine our necessity driven, well choreographed, days suddenly punctuated with spontaneous leaps? Just the thought makes me giggle! After all, there are only so many days, hours, minutes, breaths left until it is we who are slowing making our way around to our own burial.

So, in the mean time, let’s savor the gift of the doe. Let’s just imagine joy, more often, having its way with us and…ummmmm…leaping us alive…!

I am still giggling since witnessing that leap. So, I wrote a poem about it. May it bless your day with imagining…with that pure, unbridled, uncensored joy, everywhere around us…

I do believe it’s what we’re made of…

You leaped into my heart when you didn’t know I was looking
and now my Soul has become your playground.
Suddenly, I am unable to stop grinning
and this spring in my step is attracting attention.
You, my deer, have completely taken me over
and I remain clueless in joy with you…
unable to fathom the blessed fate of my captivity.
Possessed by you, I am set free.
In the silent wonder of you, I sing aloud.
And now, in the heart of you,
I soar.




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