Monthly Archives: October 2015

On Eagle’s Wings

And, He will raise you up on eagle’s wings
Bear you on the breath of Love
Make you to shine like the sun
And, hold you in the palm of His hand

Not sure what catapulted me out of bed this morning. I just knew I wanted to be with my Beloved while it was still dark. I always do look forward to this time but something was different this morning. Some urgency. Some love-filled murmur, just a whisper, yet more compelling than a startled scream. I could not resist. Then, while sitting, I was drawn to listen to On Eagle’s Wings before moving into silence. And, suddenly I knew…as a prayer just poured out from my heart. May it somehow bless your day…

And, He will raise you up on eagle’s wings
O Beloved, teach me to soar, wings wide, resting in Your Grace.
Help me to sense Your guidance steering me along the best Path You have set for me.

Bear you on the breath of Love
Make me Your hallowed reed as You breathe me with Your Love.
Restore in me that perfect stillness hovering between Your in-breath and out-breath.

Make you to shine like the sun
Ignite me, Beloved, ablaze for You!
Burn away all that clouds my seeing so I may recognize Your face everywhere.

And, hold you in the palm of His hand
Sculpt me, my dear Beloved, in the most surprising ways to be for You what I know not.
Pluck my heart strings so I may learn to dance only to Your heartbeat.


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