Monthly Archives: October 2016

Love Put Into Action

Love Has to Be Put into Action ~ Mother ‘Saint’ Teresa

And so we walked. In the rain. With full hearts and strong steps. The unexpected rain in a season of drought reminded me that it’s not always easy, or even convenient, to step out in support of what the heart is asking. And, it is always our choice. Yet, this past Saturday, many from different faith communities, did just that in the first Interfaith Peace Walk sponsored by the Souhegan Valley Interfaith Council. Though the vision had landed in my heart last winter, it took many hands joining together to bring this vision to fruition, a vision of many footsteps walking together, across faith traditions, in a common prayer for peace. Together, we showed, in our not-so-small way, in our corner of the world, what is possible.

We live in tumultuous times. I believe it is imperative that each of us who seeks collaboration, inclusion, unity free of uniformity, makes our voice heard. It doesn’t matter if that voice finds a public forum such as with our Interfaith Peace Walk or if it finds expression in the quiet, private moments of spiritual practice. Each impacts the collective consciousness in unique and important ways. In fact, it is always the quality of our inner practices that determines the outer expression. It is why Gandhi said we must be the change we’d like to see in the world. So, let’s each follow our heart’s prompt to do what most stirs love in us, as Saint Teresa of Avila said, to bring peace to ourselves and others.

And, lets resolve to stand together, rain or shine, in our common desire to bring all God’s sisters and brothers together to celebrate what unites us beyond difference. It is our charge. Our blessing. Our duty.

To see one another as God sees us. One and the same.


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